I will be contributing regular column called "ACD Watch" to the IFLA Acquisition Collection Development Section newsletter. Here is the abstract of that post.
Please read all issues from here
–by J.K. Vijayakumar
1. TERMS: Techniques for electronic resource management
Jill Emery, Collection Development Librarian at Portland State University, and Graham Stone, Information Resources Manager at the University of Huddersfield, through their blog called TERMS: Techniques for ER Management are trying to research around workflow management at the various stages in the life cycle of electronic resources. They will add a new TERM every 2 weeks for interested people to review and comment on each of them. They also encourage any suggestions and tips from your workplace experiences. In this way they hope to crowd source TERMS through open peer commentary with a view to providing a first definitive draft in early 2012. Their plan to keep the TERMS blog live after this date so that TERMS will become a reference point to those who are new to e-resource management and for those who may want to implement its recommendations of best practice.
2. eBook subscription services – are libraries screwed?
Sue Polanka collected several news reports and worrying that, library lending services might be in trouble after the new style of eBooks subscription services, announced by famous Amazon and Macmillan’s new entrant Afictionado etc. Blogger says “I worry about the library perspective because many people who can afford an eBook reader can probably afford a $79 annual subscription for Amazon Prime as well” (and forget libraries!).
3. OCLC and OhioLINK report on book usage patterns in academic libraries
This report is based on a joint study to better understand the usage patterns of books in academic libraries and support further research in these areas. Study incorporated usage data from 2007-2008, was limited to books and manuscripts because these materials typically circulate, and circulation is a significant element in evaluating collections. Our long espoused belief that 80 percent of a library’s circulation is driven by approximately 20 percent of the collection (80/20 rule) is contradicts in this study where it is found that, 80 percent of the circulation is driven by just 6 percent of the collection.
4. Patron Driven Acquisitions (Demand-Driven Acquisition)
In her blog entry, Amrita Mckinney from Qatar University includes few articles, some blog posts on the subject, and links to vendors (that I know of) providing PDA models.
5. Academic E-books – The Shifting Landscape
Leslie Lees, the VP of Content Development for ebrary discussed changes that are occurring with e-books and implications for libraries and their users in InfoViews blog, in 5 series of entries. He says “E-books have brought a sea of new challenges to the fore, but there is also an opportunity for libraries, publishers, and the academy to enhance research capabilities and experiences by using data to enrich selection choices, business models and publication strategies for the benefit of all”.
6. Propositions about the future of academic collections
John M. Jackson in his blog, describes the current and future state of collection development as a paradigm shift: from ownership to access, individual use to social use, content management to knowledge management. This 3 part blog entry ends with Ranganathan’s fifth law “library is a growing organism” and like any organism, it adapts to its environment or it risks extinction.
Dr. J. K. Vijayakumar is a member of IFLA Acquisition and Collection Development Standing Committee (2011-15). He is Science and Technology Specialist Librarian at King Abdullah University of Science & Technology in Saudi Arabia.
Please read all issues from here