Thursday, November 17, 2011

Google Scholar Citations Open To All

Google made it open to public will change the new trends in academic profiling systems (institutional or personal). Google Scholar Citations challenges other competitors such as ResearcherID, Mendeley etc. Google Scholar citations uses their own citation metrics and fetches citation data not only from journal articles, conference proceedings from publishers platforms, but also from institutional and digital repositories, with full-text links. Anyone can now track his or her citations via Google Scholar. The free citation service is “a simple way for authors to compute their citation metrics and track them over time,” the company said. Google Scholar has the advantage relative to Web of Science or Scopus, since it is freely available.

This service has been in limited release but now is open to everyone.Try it out. Very easy. Link to Announcement, and how to use

Google Scholar citations also receiving criticism. Read some of them from this link

My sample profile can be seen here